Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Isn't she pretty in pink?

What happens to us as we get older with regard to our self esteem? Why do most of us become insecure about ourselves on some level? What can we do to prevent or reverse this?

Karyn and Haley worked together last week to make some jewelry for Haley. After they were done, Karyn put the clips in Haley's hair and I put the earrings in her ears. Haley then looked at herself in the mirror and proclaimed "I'm so pretty!" When was the last time any of you ladies out there did that?

I think we should all strive to give ourselves at least one compliment per day and to give another person a compliment as well. Feel free to be over-achievers and give yourself and others multiple compliments, but set a goal and stick with it. This should help all of us build our self esteem and build the esteem of those around us.

Here is my compliment to myself for the day - I'm great at being silly with my kids!

Here is my compliment to all my friends and family that read this - You guys have been very supportive, thanks!

The Psychedelic Furs, Pretty in Pink


Blogger Joel said...

I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and gosh darn it people like me. :)

I wholeheartedly agree. It is a good thing to stop at some point during the day and help center yourself by a simple compliment to lift yourself above the mundane. I know I look in the mirror several times a day and think, ‘Damn I’m sexy.’ If I was a girl then I could date myself. Wait, I guess that wouldn’t work. Oh well.

R.M., you are a good man maybe you should consider studying philosophy. You think deeply about things and I am beginning to come to this site expecting deep thoughts each time.

The girls are wonderful. You are a lucky man. :)

4:56 PM  
Blogger r.m said...

Anyone that knows me knows that I usually think in terms of songs. In fact, I have a game that I play with my daughters where they say a word and I'll sing part of a song that contains that word. They rarely stump me.

Well Joel, your comment brought two song lyrics to mind:

"what's so amazing about really deep thoughts" - Tori Amos, Silent all these Years

"The less I seek my source for some definitive, the closer I am to fine." - Indigo Girls, Closer to Fine

It also reminds me of my high school physics teacher who would tell us that if we spent our time pondering the big questions in life and the universe, we would end up in a padded cell.

And you are absolutely right - I am a VERY lucky man!

6:02 AM  
Blogger Rex said...

How was the PARTY?

10:01 AM  

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