I finally saw this movie last night. The PTA at Grace's & Mattie's school sponsored a movie night. We took blankets & pillows and spread out in the gym. The PTA sold pizza, popcorn, etc. to raise $$$. It was a fun night but the parent in me didn't really like the movie that much. I thought it was just too violent for elementary, and younger, kids (the scene with Edna showing the baby's costume and what it could withstand was particularly disturbing). I know, I grew up on tons of cartoon violence and I survived, but it does bother me to expose my kids to it unnecessarily (the real world has enough violence). I also felt that the character of Violet could have been handled differently. I wish they could have made her powers a little different, less stereotypically female (she disappears, she puts up a protective shield around herself and those she loves). Karyn really didn't like the scene where she asks the boy if it is ok that she is different - she shouldn't need his approval. I know, it seems like we are nitpicking - but these things do influence children and the way they play. When Grace, Mattie and Haley play, they will all pretend to be Violet and to be like her and have her powers. It would have been nice if she could have been the fast runner or something so that they would want to run around like crazy.