Monday, February 07, 2005

D&D Weekend

Nope, not Dungeons and Dragons but Daddy and Daughters. Karyn took a well-deserved mini vacation over the weekend and me and the girls worked on projects, spent time with grandparents and did the usual running around. We got to enjoy the fantastic weather by playing on the playground, hiking on the parkway and taking Henry (our greyhound) to play with his buddies. Ended the weekend up by going over to Sam's (see Sam - I finally mentioned you in my blog) house to watch the Superbowl with his family. Not that anyone payed too much attention to the tv - the kids were engrossed in playdough, chips and cookies and Sam was catching us up on the latest in performance enhancing drugs.

I was really glad that my dad, a retired minister, got the following question from Haley - "Who made God." Unfortunately, I didn't hear his answer...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, who did make God? Suddenly I'm dying to know what you would have said...

8:45 AM  
Blogger r.m said...

I'm not sure how I would have answered her since she's 3 years old. I might have just said that God wasn't made, but has always existed. However, the God that many people seem to believe in seems very manmade to me. Very much made in our image, unfortunately. My thinking of God is hard to describe, but is more of a power that exists and is made manifest when beings are linked in a positive way. It is almost like a type of electricity that is almays present, but is felt most strongly when I am helping someone, or someone is helping me, or I witness a spectacular sunset, or a group of people works well together, or one of my daughters says "I love you Daddy" out of the blue, or a story reaches out and takes hold of me. It's a positive connection between or among things that leaves all better than before.

10:55 AM  

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