Monday, January 24, 2005

Nice, Long Weekend

Basically started the weekend Thursday night with a meal of bean dip, homemade pasta and cake at a friend's house to celebrate a birthday. The food and company were both great.

Friday night I decided to make a meal for Karyn and I to eat after the girls were in bed - that way we could really enjoy the food and each other's company for awhile. I made real baked potatoes (not nuked), grilled filet mignon, salad and brownies. It turned out well and we shared a peaceful meal. Karyn had rented a Dennis Leary comedy tape, but neither of us particularly got into it and ended up watching Letterman instead.

Saturday I ran 12.25 miles in the icy weather. Not the fastest run ever - I was being pretty cautious not to slip anywhere. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but the fine ice crystals that were falling really bugged my eyes. I later found out that I had looked at my schedule wrong and only needed to run 11 miles - oh well. It felt good to have run 32 miles for the week.

Saturday night Karyn went out with a friend, so I volunteered to take the girls to Chuckie Cheese's. Well, we got there and the restaurant was closed! We were bummed - guess we'll have to do that another time. When Karyn got home, the two of us watched Missing. Okay movie, nothing special.

Sunday was a pretty lazy day. We all went out to Olive Garden for dinner. Started out roughly with Haley throwing a huge fit that she didn't want to be there. She finally settled down and ended up liking it (she's always liked it when we've been there before). It isn't my favorite restaurant (I'm not big on chain restaurants), but Grace and Mattie always want to go there. After dinner, Karyn and I went to a movie while my niece babysat the girls. She's newly married to a Marine who left for Iraq on Friday. It was good to see her and have a chance to talk with her for awhile. I was pretty frustrated to learn that since the operations in Iraq are now considered "peace keeping" instead of "combat", the soldiers get less pay. I wonder how much of that designation was determined by fiscal considerations rather than operational considerations?

The movie that we saw was The Aviator. I thought it was a good flick – I liked the way it made you feel the paranoia that he felt. Definitely would like to learn more about Howard Hughes – I just remember reading about his eccentricities and reclusive nature when I was a child (yes, he was still alive when I was young – I was 10 when he died).

Back to the grind today? Not really, the girls don't have school and I don't have a project assignment, so we are catching up on errands and stuff around the house. I'm ready for the weather to warm up a bit (which it is supposed to starting tomorrow) so that my running is a bit more fun.


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