All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
Realized that my previous three posts were all tests so I thought I might post some snippets from my recent activities:
Watched American Idol tonight with the girls. Haley's quote of the night regarding Ryan Seacreast - "He's having a bad hair night". This is the first time she's ever seen him or the show so she didn't realize that his hair always looks like that. Her comment about one of the singers - "She sure does scratch her butt a lot."
Went to see the Vagina Monologues with Karyn at Hollins. I really enjoyed it, even if I was one of only three "penises" in the audience.
Played in the snow with the girls. If I figure out how, I'll post a video clip of Grace snowboarding - she rocked!
Studying geometry with Grace and Mattie - yes a square is a polygon, quadrangle, rectangle and rhombus.
Taking the girls to the Pancake House for breakfast when they had a two hour school delay.
Going bowling with the girls and Joel, Monica & Jilian when they came to watch a basketball game that was cancelled. Thanks to my friends for coming out to support my daughters and for being flexible enough to go with the change of plans.
Running 13.3 miles on Sunday.
Redecorating Grace's and Mattie's rooms with fun Target stuff.
Watching the Olympics with the family. Those snowboarders are crazier than I am!
Making my first iTunes purchases - $30 worth.
I think you are all caught up now...
Ashlee Simpson / Pieces of Me
Watched American Idol tonight with the girls. Haley's quote of the night regarding Ryan Seacreast - "He's having a bad hair night". This is the first time she's ever seen him or the show so she didn't realize that his hair always looks like that. Her comment about one of the singers - "She sure does scratch her butt a lot."
Went to see the Vagina Monologues with Karyn at Hollins. I really enjoyed it, even if I was one of only three "penises" in the audience.
Played in the snow with the girls. If I figure out how, I'll post a video clip of Grace snowboarding - she rocked!
Studying geometry with Grace and Mattie - yes a square is a polygon, quadrangle, rectangle and rhombus.
Taking the girls to the Pancake House for breakfast when they had a two hour school delay.
Going bowling with the girls and Joel, Monica & Jilian when they came to watch a basketball game that was cancelled. Thanks to my friends for coming out to support my daughters and for being flexible enough to go with the change of plans.
Running 13.3 miles on Sunday.
Redecorating Grace's and Mattie's rooms with fun Target stuff.
Watching the Olympics with the family. Those snowboarders are crazier than I am!
Making my first iTunes purchases - $30 worth.
I think you are all caught up now...
Ashlee Simpson / Pieces of Me
I like the part about scrathing her butt. Kids are great.
Watch your iTunes spending. I am scared to join.
I really enjoyed going bowling with everyone. Thanks.
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