Monday, October 25, 2004


Busy weekend:

Celebrated my Mom's birthday on Friday by having dinner with her and my sisters. It was good to see everyone and watch the girls interact with their cousin.

Headed to DC for the Army 10-miler with Joel & Chris. C drove and managed not to get lost - I was afraid we might end up in PA. We had sushi for lunch - J & I thought it was good (nice and spicy and cheap), it wasn't what C was expecting so he entered a saki-aided funk that lasted most of the afternoon. We picked up our packets, checked out the expo (no Tool) then waited for Sam (get a cell phone dude) for awhile before giving up and heading out to a movie. Went to see the Grudge - GREAT movie, you have to see it for yourself. Don't listen to anyone that says it sucks - they just didn't get it. If you have any movie sophistication at all, you will LOVE this movie. Great sound effects too, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle. Had a great pasta dinner at Portofino's to finish up the day.

Sunday was another great race day in DC - cold and damp! Actually, it wasn't bad running weather (until after the race, when there was a cold rain). The course was great, running by many of the DC landmarks. Our team ran well - I even managed a better than expected time. Definitely a race I would do again. Thankfully J drove home and we didn't end up in NC or WV.

Once back home I watched a movie (Spirit) with the girls (they watched, I slept). After dinner I gave Mattie a short haircut (Monday is picture day at school and she wanted her hair cut) and Grace a slight trim (though from the way she was acting you would have thought I had shaved her head - she wants long hair and doesn't quite get that it needs to be trimmed every now and then just to keep it even). Got them to bed and ironed their shirts for picture day (hey, once a year we break out the iron). I then tried, unsuccessfully, for several hours to get my new laptop to speak to the outside world (VERY FRUSTRATING). Went to bed to get some sleep before working out in the morning with Rex (who didn't show...even though I stuggled my way in at 7 despite only getting 4.5 hours of sleep)...


Blogger Jilian said...

Your blog might just be my favorite to read :)

2:35 PM  

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